Monday 24 September 2012

How a game or movie is made.
ideas and brainstorming.
pitching ideas.
story boarding.
cast or members.
concept art.

Film or motion Picture or even a movie is made up of a series of  moving pictures or even still pictures. They are made up of individual frames. When these frames are shown to an audience at a fast pace this creates the film. When watching a film you cannot see the frames switching to the next frame.  Their are four types film which are development, pre-production, production, post production, distribution.   

Story boarding is where you from pictures or illustrations or even image which are shown in a certain order. Story boarding was developed by Walt Disney around about 1930s. 
A story board in a film is basically a large comic strip showing you what is going to happen, this is to help the directors see what can happen next and help them to find potential problems before they happen.

For this I'm going to research how a film is made and the film that i am researching about  is called Shaun of the Dead. 

Saturday 22 September 2012

currently looking at university and finally deciding what i wanna do.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

IM currently looking university's and potentially deciding what uni i want to go too,i want to study film at uni. I either want to go to Newport uni or Caerloen uni.